Self Care Bucket list ideas

Build Your Bucket List - Self Care Bucket list ideas

Self Care Bucket list ideas

Life is short. When we are young it seems like there are years and years ahead of us. As we get older time seems to fly past and we realize that life is not so very long after all. Most of us think about the things we would like to do occasionally, sometimes often, but we usually do not do much about it. Maybe it is time for your Self Care Bucket list ideas of things you want to do before you can't do them anymore. This article will help you do just that.

Before you get started understand that whatever you put on your list is great. Don't worry about how you are going to do it, when you are going to do it or how you are going to pay for it. That is not important at this time. It will all work itself out somehow and just creating your bucket list will call the Law of Attraction into play. When that happens many of the things on your list will just come to you or show up so you can do them.

Here we go:

  • Get your journal or a pad of paper and write down all of the things you have ever wanted to do (and still want to). Think back through your life and try to remember things you wanted at different stages of your life.
  • Brainstorm as many ideas as you can. Remember that true brainstorming does not include any judgments - just write down everything that comes to mind. You can edit later if you want to.
  • Get out your favorite magazines and thumb through them for ideas. You can do the same thing with videos and movies by thinking back through them. Write down all these ideas too.
  • Spend some time daydreaming. If it helps pretend you won a gazillion dollars in the lottery and figure out how you will spend it. Write down all the ideas that come from this too.
  • Once you have your lists made consolidate them into one bucket list and number each item.
  • Now go about living your life. Revisit your bucket list monthly or quarterly just to keep the items in mind.
  • Some of the things on your list you will plan for and some will just present themselves. Enjoy it whichever way it shows up.
  • As you do each thing on your bucket list cross it off. Feel free to add new items as you think of them.

Enjoy the ride - it will make your life much richer.

If  You Want More Information about Bucket list ideas visit Flowjo’s website:


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